A Rainy Halloween

It rained last night. Pretty much from the beginning till the end of acceptable Trick-or-Treat times. It was sad. We were kind of bummed. But we decided to take Jude out for just a bit because he has been waiting all month to go Trick-or-Treating. 

We hoped that if we waited a bit the rain would stop or let up and we could get in a few minutes before bed so we started the evening with dinner at Chick-fil-a. The employees were dressed up and they were passing out candy and free samples of the Peppermint Shakes (yum). So if all else failed at least Jude got to do something fun. 

After we ate we headed to our old neighborhood (there weren’t a lot of people participating in Halloween in our current neighborhood – a lot of cranky old folks). So Noah and I waited in the car while Joe took Jude around the block. Joe carried an umbrella so they stayed relatively dry and warm. 

As expected, Jude had a wonderful time. When we got home none of the candy we left out had been touched so we let Jude do a little indoor trick-or-treating with dad. Then it was bedtime. As Jude was getting ready for bed we had our only trick-or-treaters (a handful of preteens in costumes). Jude thought having trick-or-treaters come to his door was equally as awesome.

I wish I could take him trick-or-treating more than once a year because he loves it some much. I’m glad we went out in the rain, it was a happy Halloween.

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