Preschool Learning at Home – Fall

This past week I started doing hands-on learning sessions with Jude. During Noah’s morning nap we spend 30 min- 1 hour exploring and learning. Jude is a very smart and curious little boy which often leads to him getting in trouble. So I thought I could transfer his curiosity into positive learning and so far it’s proven to be a wonderful idea.
This week we’ve been learning about FALL. Since Thursday was the first official day of Fall it seemed appropriate. We took a nature walk around the yard, gathered leaves, pine cones and acorns then we did a few fun fall related projects inside.
I keep everything simple and let him explore and participate as much or as little as he likes. I was surprised at the enthusiasm he had for every project. He loves to share his art projects and leaf collection with anyone that comes to visit. He’s so proud, it’s pretty adorable.
Monday – We made a paper chain, FALL banner and collected leaves
Tuesday – We did leaf rubbings, made leaf art and colored


Wednesday – Visited a park where we collected different leaves and acorns


Thursday – More leaf rubbings with our new leaves from the park, learned about acorns.


Friday – Fun with pumpkin faces

Saturday – We baked Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Muffins (Joe had to work so it was like another weekday for us)


I’m not very crafty but I know how to use the internet to find new ideas. Luckily, Jude doesn’t care if my crafty skills are all that good, he enjoys playing with mama and exploring new things. That’s pretty much the best learning experience I can hope to give him.

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