Featured Blog: Love Sown

My friend Paige is an awesome gardener and awesome mom. She’s combined her awesomeness to create a blog, Love Sown.
Mommy's Idea
Get to know Paige and Love Sown…

How old is your blog or long have you been blogging?
I’ve been blogging since my freshman year of college, back in 1999 when I was 8 hours away from home and really lonely. Back then blogging wasn’t cool and neither was I. Well, at least one of those two is cooler than it used to be. Love Sown was started this past February.

What made you choose the name of your blog?
Originally I was going for something like garden grown kids or a name playing off being an urban gardener, but nothing was sticking for me. Everything urban was taking, because apparently urban is the new black. I then thought love sown kids, but that sounded like I was a fertility clinic. I finally chose Love Sown with the subtitle Garden Grown Kids, but dropped the “Kids” because sometime gardening is just about me, the plants and a little naptime escape. It works for me!

Why do you blog and what do you love about blogging?
I blog for many reasons. On my personal site, Pocket Smiles, it is often to process life and share the craziness that goes down in a house with two little boys. On Love Sown, it is to get other families excited about gardening, share fun project ideas and keep track of our own activities in the garden.

What are a few of your favorite posts on your blog?
One of just pictures of water droplets

Are you married? If so, how long?
I’ve been married 7 years this coming July.

Do you have children? If so, how many?
I have two boys – 3 years and 10 months.

What is your favorite movie?
Just one? My top 5 are The Sandlot, Sense and Sensibility, Hook, Finding Forester, and Big Fish.

Who is your favorite actor?
Emma Thompson

What is your favorite band or musician?
Nickel Creek. Yeah, I realize they broke up. I like songs with cellos and pianos that build on themselves and sweep me away. I’m a little melodramatic with my music tastes.

What is your favorite food?
Chocolate Milk.

What is your favorite candy?

What else should readers know about you?
This question is so loaded… probably because my personality can be a bit loaded as well. I’ll share just about anything you want to know (or maybe didn’t want to know), and I am quite a goofy person, but I have a very serious and driven side to my personality too. I think this comes out in my writing and I can’t wait to have you guys stop by!

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p.s. She has some fun GIVEAWAYS coming up on her blog so you should follow Love Sown.

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