Capture the Everyday: Modern Technology – Networked

For weeks I’ve been wanting to join in the Capture the Everyday Photo Assignment over at Adventuroo but with recent move I’ve been a bit preoccupied. Well, now that we are getting life set up in the new house I’m ready to join the party.

This week’s assignment is: Modern Techology

Joe is a computer geek so we have an over abundance of technology in our home. He is currently setting up a whole house network that will allow us to access pretty much anything from any computer in our home. We have our entire CD catalog on the network and our thousands of pictures and other important files all linked together. It’s all pretty impressive but I have no idea how any of it works.
While it’s nowhere near competed this is essentially what Joe’s office looks like; wires, hard drives, routers, servers… 
I don’t touch anything because I will probably break it.

Capture the Everyday from Adventuroo

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