O’ Christmas Tree

It’s Christmas time! This year I’m really excited about Christmas for some reason. I don’t know if it’s because of Jude or what but I like it. Last night we decorated our tree and Jude helped… well sort of. We only decorated the top half of the tree with our regular ornaments and the bottom half is decorated with Jude safe ornaments. He’s had fun removing the ornaments and trying to put them back.

Helping Daddy open all the ornament packages.
Take a decorating break to play with the duck
Putting the star on top of the tree
Our Tree
Our Tree is primarily composed of fun ornaments and bright colors.
Our Honeymoon ornament
A few of our Star Wars Ornaments
Boba Fett and the Death Star
Obi Wan and an AT-AT
Every year we tried to buy a special ornament that signifies a moment in our lives. We have many Star Wars ornaments, Sponge Bob, Brobee, The Hungry Little Caterpillar, Veggie Tales, Guitars, Frogs, and many more.  I love our tree!
Check out some more awesome trees at the Mama Bzz.

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