A Father’s Day Tradition in the Making

Since our family is fairly young we are establishing holiday traditions as we go along. (Really, we are just winging it most of the time.) When you are a parent and live close to your extended family it sometimes makes holidays like Mother and Father Day difficult. But we have decided, just this year, that we are going to remove any obligations to go visit family and celebrate the fact that Joe and I are parents. 
My fave pic of Joe and Jude
So for Father’s Day this year, Joe will get to choose how he wants to spend the day. If he wants to go off and spend the day playing golf with his buddies (highly doubt that will happen since he’s never played golf… ever) or if he wants to build blocks with the boys all day (highly likely), it’s totally up to him.

Father’s should be shown how much they are appreciated on Father’s Day. And I think that starts with letting them choose, how they want to be celebrated. Of course, there will be a lot of food, presents and Father’s Day Cards but Father’s Day is all about Dad.

What are your Father’s Day Traditions? Do you spend the day with extended family or just your immediate family? Does dad go off by himself of spend time with the kids?

This post was made possible by Tiny Prints. I was compensated for my time in writing this post, however all opinions are 100% mine.

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